Weekly Writing Update
Sorry, I haven’t posted much since Thanksgiving. We’ve been a house full of sick people starting the week after Turkey day. I’ve had it the worse, mostly because I’m the one who doesn’t get to take much of break when sick. I’m still sick, but I feel as if I’m getting better. 2017 wasn’t a big publishing year for me, but I did do a lot of writing, so hopefully, 2018 will be full of releases. Captive came back from editing over of the weekend. My editor doesn’t feel as if it needs another read-through, so I’m going to go over her notes, then send the book to my beta readers. I’m looking at a release date for around the end of February. YAY!!!!!!Once I send Captive to my betas, I’ll send Shore Haven to editing and finish the second draft of Awake. After that, I’ll try to finish the first drafts of Fated and Survivor. My Goal is to release Shore Haven by the end of Summer and Awake, by the end of the year. Have an amazing week, everyone. :) :)