Weekly Writing Update:
1. New alien piece, doesn't have a name yet, but it is coming along nicely. We're getting pretty close to finding out of the MC is alone in the world or not.
2. Fated has moved forward a bit, but not as much as I like.
3. I haven't had to do too much more changing to Awake since I had to play with the first few chapters. I hope to be done with the third draft by the end of the month.
4. I still haven't decided on an idea for a cover for Shore Haven.
5. Last week was full of doctor's appointments and nurses and therapists. This week should be a bit quieter, so I hope to make more progress in all of the projects I have going on, even the ones in my home. We now have a new roof, but I still have to wait a few more months before I can get the foundation done. We are getting a new bed and have bought my FIL a new recliner for his birthday, so I have to spend some time rearranging furniture. If the weather holds, I'd also like to do some work in the yard.
I hope everyone has an amazing week.
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