Weekly Writing Update
Okay so these aren't coming weekly, but I'm going to keep calling them that anyway. LOL
1. I've been talking to a cover artist about Shore Haven's cover. Yay. I probably won't show it to you guys for a few more months once I get, but it is in progress.
2. The new alien piece was coming along nicely, but then shit hit the fan here. My FIL has been bed-ridden for three weeks now, and carrying for a dementia patient who is bedridden is a lot harder than carrying for one who can get up and shower or potty or get something to drink or snack on without too much trouble, not that taking care of a mobile one was a breeze, let me tell you. Don't get me wrong. I love him and I'll do this for the rest of his life, but it is hard and keeps me away from my writing and you guys more than I would like.
3. I have been productive with Awake edits. I've pushed the novel over 100,000 words, so I'll be giving it a new read through after this to see if the length is needed.
4. Thank you all who participated in Outcast's Aniversary Party. All prizes have been sent. Those of you expecting stuff via mail, keep your eyes out. :) :)
4. Fated is on hold for awhile. I hate doing because I'm so close to finishing the first draft but, I have no choice.
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