I know Wednesdays aren't normally the days I do this. Sundays and Mondays are, but my FIL was in the hospital most of last week, and we brought a stomach bug home with us. So fare, today is the first quiet day I've had in about ten days. I fully expect things to tits up soon, but for now, I'm enjoying it and taking the time to leave you guys a little update.
I did get an amazing cover for Shore Haven from the wonder Lynn Lamb the week before my FIL went into the hospital. Since Shore Haven is still in editing, I'm not ready to reveal the cover just yet, but whenever I'm able to start sharing excerpts from the novel again, the graphic she created for me for the excerpts will have something from the cover on them.
That's all I have to report writing-wise.
My FIL is doing better, but I think we'll be going to hospice soon. If not now, within the next six months to a year.
My MIL also has a fracture in her spine, so she's looking at having to have surgery. I honestly don't know how much I'm going to get to in the months ahead, but I promise to do as much as I can and keep you all posted about it.
I would also appreciate if you all would keep spreading the word about the novels of mine that you love. I'm not able to do much advertising at the moment. Sigh.
If you’d like to know more about me, Author Jennifer Reynolds, then check out this informational brochure or one of my many social media sites.