In the weeks and months to come, please remember that we live in a country consisting of different people, religions, colors, sexual orientations, and so forth. Everyone, even those in the same group, will have differing ideas and interpretations of events, statements, gestures, art pieces, movies, television shows, etc. Yes, large groups of people will agree. Sometimes, they’ll be correct, and sometimes wrong. You’re going to run across people you like, even admire, and agree with each other on many issues. At some point, you’ll find out they have a different opinion on something than you. How they feel about the issue might strongly counter your opinion. Their opinion is different from yours because they are not you. From their conception, everything about them developed differently from you. They didn’t live your life. They have experienced different trials and privileges than you.
So when you are scrolling through FB or one of the many other social media sites you belong to and come across a post you disagree with, just keep going, especially if your comment doesn’t perpetuate the conversation. If you disagree and absolutely feel the need to share your disagreement with them, give your opinion and reasoning behind it. Start a discussion. Don’t leave a comment like “This is stupid,” or “You are brainwashed,” or anything remotely similar. Say something like, “I disagree because…” I say this because even if the original poster is wrong, your comment does nothing to help the situation. It further alienates people and hinders discussions. It keeps us divided and unable to sympathize with others. You and the original poster might never agree to disagree and continue to be whatever you are/were to each other, but at least you heard different opinions. Every one of us needs to hear multiple sides of everything so we can be exposed to things outside our bubble.
I delete all posts that don’t perpetuate the discussion. I leave up those comments that oppose my post, especially if it leads me to seek further information.
An even better idea is to not leave a comment and post your opinion on your page. That’s what it is there for. Chances are, the poster will see your post and possibly read it. You’ve both shared your opinion on the subject. It’s out there for the world to see or not see. Other people’s pages are not a place to spread negativity. If their post is negative, that’s on them.
And just so everyone knows, I practice what I preach. I don’t comment on anyone’s post that disagrees with me. The person is allowed to say their peace without my input. I barely comment on posts I agree with, so I don’t feel it appropriate to post ones I don’t. I also know that I can get a bit heated and say things in my posts that offend people. I try to be civil, but I’m human and slip up. I don’t, however, post negative comments on other people’s posts.
We all have opinions and beliefs. GOD gave us FREE WILL, and our government gave us the Bill of Rights, which provides us with the right to free speech. Be careful that you don’t abuse both by impeding on others’ rights or perpetuating the anger, hate, and discrimination that is prevalent in our nation. I’m not perfect, but I keep my feelings on my page. I have the right to my opinion. As you have the right to yours.
PS. There are unfollow and unfriend buttons for a reason. Use them if your feelings are so vehemently opposed to others that you need to comment.