The cover artist I spoke with about Shore Haven's cover never got back to me after our first email. I sent her a message to let her know that I've decided to go another way. I am annoyed, but not mad. As someone who has a shit ton of stuff going on, I chose to assume that she was busy and go on with my day. I am talking to another woman. Or well, I will when she gets back from vacation. LOL.
I messaged my editor to get an update on Shore Haven. I know her mother has had health issue, and with my issues with my in-laws, I haven't set a timeline for Shore Haven. While I'm waiting for her reply, I've begun running Grammarly through the novel again.
I'm listening to Awake, via Adobe PDF. I think I may finally have the first three chapters of the novel nearly perfect. I have a beta reader reading the chapters as I go, and she's loving it.
The alien piece and Fated are still on the back burner for now. I do hope to pick them back up soon.
If you’d like to know more about me, Author Jennifer Reynolds, then check out this informational brochure or one of my many social media sites.