I haven't done much editing or writing this past week. What I have done has been with Shore Haven, though. I spoke with my editor. She's had a few personal issues, as I already knew, but she says she has been working on Shore Haven and is loving it. I'm not in a hurry with this novel. I'll need all the time I can get to prepare for its release.
I did manage to get all prizes in the mail this past Saturday. Yay!!!
I've been dealing with a bad reaction to a new medicine. I wasn't all the pill a week, and the doctor pulled me off it yesterday and sent me for blood work. Unfortunately, while I've been dealing with that, my FIL has had a bad reaction to an antibiotic he was taking. My poor husband has had a lot on his plate these last few days, but he's hanging in there. I hope to be back to normal soon. I'm sure I need the meds to cope with all that is going on, but I the side effects are just making things worse.
I have a number of appointments this week, but I hope to get some work done. Wish me luck.
Have a great week everyone.
If you’d like to know more about me, Author Jennifer Reynolds, then check out this informational brochure or one of my many social media sites.